
                                                              Privacy Leads To Your Freedoms           


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Information is our most valuable commodity. Real – helpful-- problem solving information is never,ever FREE! You may search the gigantic billions web, but what you really need,you'll never find it free.

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The Confidential Affairs Privacy  Report.

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The Confidential Affairs Privacy Report is the most indispensable and up-to-date report that will make your personal,private life vanish from the invasion noose of the powers-to-be. And if you value your freedoms, you can't afford to go even one day without access to the privacy report.

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Please print your name and address on a separate piece of paper (please print clearly).
Then mail it along with your payment of $40.00 (add $30 foreign orders) and I'll start your subscription with the next issue. 

Mail with payment and your name and address to: 

The CONFIDENTIAL AFFAIRS, PO.Box 13021, Dayton, Ohio,45413



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